Guidelines for Identifying Typically Development Peer Models

The process is different for children with special needs compared to the process for peer model students.
Typically developing (TD) children are accepted into the preschool program to serve as role models to other children. Requirements include:
Child must be 3 to 5 years of age. Students who turn 5 prior to August 1st are not eligible for enrollment in Learning Steps Preschool as a typically developing peer role model. However, they are eligible for kindergarten enrollment.
Child must be fully potty trained
Transportation may be the responsibility of the parent(s)
Here are some guiding questions that may help parents understand which process (peer model or possible special needs) applies to them.
Your child will be a good peer model if:
He/she plays nicely with other children
He/she will follow one- and two-step directions such as, put your shoes away and hang up your coat
He/she is able to say the names of common things such as ball, table, door, and blocks
He/she speaks in full sentences such as, “I want a cookie.”
He/she is able to say these sounds correctly when talking: p, b, m, t, d, n, k, g, and f